RESEARCH BY Richard Palmer

Weed's Basin

Geneva Palladium
Wednesday, Nov. 27, 1822

Extract of a letter from a gentleman of this place (Rochester,) traveling by the canal to Weed's Basin, dated Nov. 11.

"The boats from Rochester to this place (Weed's Basin) are now making their regular trips, and arrive in time to meet the boats every morning from Utica, thereby requiring only two days from Rochester to utica. The The boat taking passengers from Rochester to Pittsford, is not as capacious as might be wished, but they are fully compensated by the elegance of the boat Myron Holley, the superior style of the fare, and the polite and prompt attentions of the master, Capt. Allen, which is met with at the last mentioned place; and I am informed that the accommodations on board Mr. Culver's boat are equally good. I understand an arrangements on board Mr. Culvert's boat are equally good. I understand an arrangement is to be made for running these two boats alternately, which, when completed, will make a daily line from our place, of a mode of traveling which, perhaps, is not surpassed in the state, particularly at this season of the year."

Rochester Telegraph